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Tag Archives: Family Law

Custody, Child Support and Children with Special Needs

By Stephen Levine |

Custody and visitation arrangements are made based on the best interests of the children. Of course, separating or divorcing parents might have wildly different opinions about what type of schedule would be in the best interests of their children. In many cases, determining the amount of time that children will spend with each parent,… Read More »

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Can I have visitation or be appointed the guardian of my grandchild?

By Stephen Levine |

According to the US Census Bureau, 10% of grandparents live with at least one grandchild in their home. Many of these households are actually maintained by the grandparents, and in some cases, there is no parent in the home, and the grandparent has taken on the responsibility of caring for his or her grandchildren…. Read More »

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Modifications of Child Support

By Stephen Levine |

Child support payments are calculated based on equations that factor in many variables, including the earnings of both parents, the number of children, and the amount of parenting time each parent has with the children. In most cases, parents ordered to pay child support will be required to pay until the child who has… Read More »

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