Divorce Attorney in Riverside, California
The dissolution of a marriage is emotionally trying. To make the divorce settlement as quick and painless as possible, we counsel our clients to compromise when appropriate. Our firm is experienced in family law and will work to achieve an equitable outcome in your divorce or domestic partnership split. If litigation is unavoidable, we aggressively fight to protect our clients’ rights, including their assets, reputation, and emotional well-being.
There is a no fault requirement for divorce in California, which means that the spouse or domestic partner who decides to end the marriage does not have to prove that the other person did anything wrong. Any couple can divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. One of our attorneys can guide you through this difficult process, easing your concerns and lowering your stress.
We Are Compassionate
In California, same-sex couples in domestic partnerships receive the same benefits as a married couple, with privileges such as hospital visitation rights, using sick days to care for a partner, and adoption rights. When a domestic partnership ends, many people unexpectedly find themselves needing to deal with very complicated financial concerns, including taking responsibility for debts, child custody, and child support payments.
Our Riverside divorce lawyers can navigate these complicated waters and reduce the stress that someone undergoing a breakup may experience. We can resolve domestic partnerships amicably while protecting the rights of same-sex couples.
Filing for the dissolution of a marriage or domestic partnership usually involves complicated legal issues. Before a case ensues, a family court judge will decide whether to grant your request for a divorce. Our attorneys can prepare arguments to strengthen your position.
What You Need to Know
Who will pay child support, and how much?
We will ensure that you get the necessary court order and understand who will be financially responsible for support payments. We will show you the formula used to determine child support payments in California, and we’ll explain the other information the court uses to make its decision. We can also have your order modified.
What will the custody arrangements be for any children involved?
During divorce proceedings, one of the most contentious areas can be regarding child custody and visitation. Many think visitation affects the amount of required child support, but that is dependent on the court order. Our firm will work with you to make the necessary arrangements regarding custody and visitation (supervised and unsupervised). We also address the visitation rights of grandparents.
What will happen if one partner moves away?
The law regarding the parent with sole physical custody moving out of state is complicated and changes often, requiring the advice of an attorney to determine your rights. Parenting schedules are important, but the court will base their decision on current visitation patterns. With our attorneys by your side, you will know what you can and cannot do to abide by the law.
Will there be spousal support payments?
One spouse may be responsible for providing the other with financial support. Referred to as alimony, this is a complicated legal issue requiring professional assistance. We will make sure you understand your rights regarding giving or receiving support, help you calculate your payment, determine how long it will last and how it may affect your taxes. We will also assist you in preparing any court forms.
Which assets will go to whom?
Your rights concerning your assets is another complicated aspect of the legal proceedings, especially if a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement was signed. Assets are anything of value that can be bought and sold, for instance, a house, cars, bank accounts and cash, 401(k) plans, jewelry, and a business. If the divorcing spouses cannot agree, the court will decide how these are properly divided. We can help you make these decisions before the court gets involved and execute the necessary paperwork quickly and efficiently.
Which debts will be assumed by whom?
California is a community property state meaning an asset acquired during a domestic partnership or marriage is equally owned by both people, including debt. If you divide the debt without court approval, it continues to belong to each spouse. It can be very frustrating to find out you are still legally obligated for old debts, just when you thought you were ready to start anew. Our lawyers will work to ensure that any debt owed is equitably distributed based on your agreement and file the necessary paperwork.
Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us
A divorce proceeding requires that most of the groundwork is done in advance, so it’s imperative that you secure the services of a qualified attorney immediately. If you file without a well-positioned case, you could end up without the assets that you’ve worked so hard to obtain. Contact us today to determine your rights and to protect your financial future.