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Parents Demand Justice after Daughter’ Death by Officer

download (24)For a parent, having to face the tragedy of losing your child in a tragic accident is a never ending nightmare. Nothing can ever make that kind of pain go away. When an accident is caused by another person, seeing justice be done at least is a start toward healing.

That is the case for a mother and father who lost their daughter in a crash involving a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy in Pindale two years ago a few months shy of her 21st birthday. Her parents have indicated that are not going to celebrate Christmas this year and are demanding justice for their daughter’s death.

On December 14, 2013, 20-year-old Sarah Paynter and her boyfriend, Robert Delgadillo were both ejected from their vehicle when a squad car driven by Deputy Kamal Jannah slammed into their Ford Explorer at the intersection of 17th Street and Avenue R. The Deputy had no lights or sirens on at the time when his cruiser broadsided their SUV.

Investigators with the California Highway Patrol indicated that both Paynter and Delgadillo were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. The accident report issued by the CHP seemed that it would be sufficiently damning evidence against the deputy:

“Deputy Jannah willfully drove at a speed that did not allow him sufficient time and distance to take appropriate evasive action to avoid a collision. This grossly negligent act was determined to be the proximate cause of this collision, the proximate cause of the fatal injuries.”

The investigators with the California Highway Patrol concluded that Deputy Jannah had committed gross vehicular manslaughter, however, the district attorney declined to prosecute and issued a statement saying, “we find that the people cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Kamal Jannah committed the crime of gross vehicular manslaughter.”

Deputy Jannah still works for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department at the Palmdale station; however, he is not allowed to drive while on duty.

Families that lose loved ones as a result of an accident with an emergency vehicle should be able to obtain some sort of justice. That is when you need to have an attorney who understands and who will fight on your side.

If you or a loved one has been injured, or has died in a fatal accident involving a motor vehicle, or any other kind of accident, contact our offices today.

Here at Milligan, Beswick, Levine & Knox LLP, we will take the time to discuss the specifics of your case and discuss all of your options with you. We are dedicated in helping you receive the maximum compensation for any damages and to see that justice is served. Because we know the ins and outs of the law, we are looking out for you can make all the difference on how your case gets settled. Call us today.

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Stephen Levine, is a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Defense — an honor achieved by only the top criminal law attorneys in California. Mr. Levine has over 40 years of experience in criminal defense and family law serving Southern California, and is a highly regarded Super Lawyer as well as AV Rated attorney.