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Divorce Education

family picture brokenWhen couples divorce, children are often the most affected. How well the children handle the divorce process often depends upon the interactions of the parents after making the decision to divorce. Seeking the services of an experienced family law attorney at Milligan, Beswick, Levine & Knox can help to make the process smoother for all involved. The attorney can help to guide, inform and support you with both the divorce and custody process.

Child custody is split into two concepts: legal custody and physical custody. A parent or guardian granted legal custody has the ability to make major life decisions for the child, whether or not the child lives with that parent or guardian. A parent or guardian granted physical custody has the child(ren) physically residing with him/her.

Potential Problems for Children of Divorce

Divorce can generate unpleasant feelings for all concerned. Parents who are educated and aware of the ways that divorce may affect their children are better suited to helping their children through the divorce process, and the children are likely to emerge better adjusted. However, children of parents who stop communicating or clash with each other during the divorce process are more likely to allow the resulting stress to lead to academic, social and self-esteem problems. Seeking divorce education information from experienced attorneys at Milligan, Beswick, Levine & Knox can help both parents and children to work through these issues and possibly make for a smoother transition for all involved. Divorce education classes can provide parents with tools to interact more positively with each other, particularly in matters that concern their children.

What to Expect from Divorce Education

Divorce education classes often teach the following:

  • The impact of family conflict on children
  • How to build effective parenting plans
  • Description of the developmental needs of children
  • How to create new family relationships
  • How to develop positive co-parenting
  • How to prevent parent alienation syndrome (P.A.S.)
  • How to maintain best interests of the child(ren)

In some cases, you may be able to find programs specifically geared toward helping children cope with the stresses and process of divorce. These programs tend to group children of similar ages and with similar coping difficulties, providing them with the opportunity to express feelings among their peers as well as with trained facilitators. These trained facilitators also use games, writing and drawing to help children better understand the divorce process and to cope with the changes that come with divorce. Most of these programs not only help children navigate the current issues with the divorce, but also try to provide tools for dealing with potential difficulties in the future.

Contact Us Today

For more information on divorce education programs in your area, contact a family law attorney at Milligan, Beswick, Levine & Knox. Our attorneys are experienced in divorce, child custody and visitation issues and can help to make the divorce process a more smooth transition for all concerned. As divorce education and support programs become more common, the goal is to make the divorce process as painless as possible for all involved.

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